
Jun 30, 2022

We all aspire to become the best version of ourselves, both personally and professionally. Yet, for each of us that person is slightly different.

For some, our ideal might be the person who delivers an amazing presentation, makes the sale, and gets the promotion – and the raise that goes with it. While, for others, that person could be one who has learned to have healthy boundaries and smart work habits that result in a happier quality of life.

Whoever we strive to become, we can use the following series of prompts as a character study to generate momentum in that direction. Thinking about our future persona as a character helps to free up our imagination in ways we might feel limited when thinking about who we are today.

For each prompt, type the first few words or phrases that pop into your mind when describing the ideal version of yourself:

Aspires to…

Can be described as…

Is scared of…

Is curious about…

Ideal life looks like…

Once captured, our words can catalyze change and shake us out of habitual patterns that may be holding us back. You might even learn something surprising about yourself you weren’t aware of!

After it is complete, you can save this character study to your Nynja Library and star it as a favorite. You’ll want to review what you wrote regularly to add more and see how much progress you’ve made. Feel free to create your own prompts – and watch yourself change.